



The Hive





We prioritize investment in kingdom advancing partnerships for greater global impact. We believe when we connect colleagues to each other, contribute critical intelligences, collaborate for the betterment of the Great Commission, and just care for people – with no strings attached – God is glorified. Sometimes this entails facilitating collaboration sessions, capturing and collating data, helping youth social movements gain momentum, drafting white papers, playing match-marker with partner organizations, assisting leaders with doctoral studies, and sending gifts of encouragement to brighten a leaders day!

Evi, Germany

“I can strongly encourage anyone wanting some strategic eyes and ears for your youth ministry, get in touch with Mark. IYS is incredibly generous with their time and resources and have worked with some remarkable ministries already.”

Evi, Germany

Peter, Myanmar

“Thank you so much for today…you’ve shown me how to do the real dissertation for God’s kingdom and my future ministry. [You’re] a great resource for youth ministry.”

Peter, Myanmar

Adrian, Australia

“I love your work mate. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re a great thinker and practitioner.”

Adrian, Australia

Erica, USA

“Thanks for your thoughtfulness in taking notes & making sure that what you captured reflects our hearts. You did a great job.”

Erica, USA