



The Hive






From time to time we offer advanced support to assist a client in seeing their dream come true. One such special project is called HyHOPES, a client initiative of Go Live Dare Foundation Zambia. HyHOPES exists to inspire high hopes through hygiene and hope. Sadly, in many underdeveloped countries, the lack of education on feminine hygiene can lead to increased urinary tract infections, cases of cervical cancer, school dropouts, and teen pregnancies (often not of their own choosing). Our clients want to change the status quo and restore girls dignity. Thus, HyHOPES offers immediate, lasting, and eternal hope to girls through menstrual hygiene training and resources.

HyHOPES exists to inspire high hopes through hygiene and hope.

Immediate hope is provided through menstrual health and hygiene training and Hope Packs containing washable cloth sanitary pads, panties, and essential toiletries. By empowering girls to understand their God given identity, value, and purposes HyHOPES fosters lasting hope which inspires girls to pursue higher hopes. Most importantly, HyHOPES provides eternal hope to youth through the Good News of God & His wonderful plan for their lives.

Our consulting includes support services such as strategic planning and operations, industry research, partner develop, logistics, resource acquisition, communication and marketing solutions, curriculum development, and more.

Thanks to our generous financial partners, we have helped our clients successfully start HyHOPES, which this year alone is well on-track to bring high hopes to hundreds of hopeless youth. As the initiative matures, there are plans to host outreaches in two largest metro areas and integrate a boy’s component to the programming. Amazingly, we believe HyHOPES can bring high hopes for as little as $12.00 USD per youth!

If you’d like to support our work with the HyHOPES client initiative, your gift of any amount will help us encourage, equip, and empower local leaders to bring high hopes. Click on the giving link below and select ‘HyHOPES’ on the giving form that appears. These funds will be used toward professional support services and supplies to help start, strengthen, and sustain this wonderful program.

David, Zambia

This is inspiring and moving, Thank you so much. It is so unbelievable to see how HYHOPES is unfolding and there is so much HOPE for millions of girls. Thank you so Dr Mark and IYS for loving, caring, and serving…”

David, Zambia


“I’m so excited for the education and support you’re putting out there for those young ladies. My prayer is that my boys will grow up to be godly men that respect, value, and honor women. That they would be unafraid to speak up for those who need a stronger voice. Thank you for visiting our church and sharing this ministry.”


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